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Ciara | Dayton Oh, Maternity Photographer | Dayton Oh, Newborn Photographer

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

This night was nothing short of a photographer's dream! I believe in this life God gives us talents to bless others with and when I felt him drop a little nudge in my heart to do something for this sweet Momma to be I jumped on it! I think he was showing he was pleased by this amazing, perfect evening! From the temps being so comfortable to this yummy Golden Light that filled the sky! 

I pray that every time Ciara sees these images she is reminded that God is out there and looking out for her always! There are still those that give with the expectation of nothing in return. God has blessed me and in turn I want to pour those blessing on to others when I am given the opportunity! 

So now, please take a look at this STUNNING Momma to be and show her some love by sharing the link to this post! And if you happen to find yourself looking for a Dayton Ohio Maternity or Newborn Photographer I hope you will consider me!

One Response to “Ciara | Dayton Oh, Maternity Photographer | Dayton Oh, Newborn Photographer”

  1. Beautiful as ALWAYS and will be a fabulous mother. Your little boy is going to look up to you with so much love.
    You are strong and each day you will get stronger.
